Most of the desulfurization devices in power plants are gypsum wet flue gas desulfurization devices. The desulfurization circulating pump is the operation center of the desulfurization device. The transportation medium is gypsum solid and acid materials such as sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid. These will cause serious cavitation, wear and corrosion on the pump shell, impeller and other parts of the desulfurization circulating pump, and affect the service life and operation efficiency of the circulating pump, Affect the safe operation of the unit. DT desulfurization pump can adapt to this environment. A 400KW slurry circulating pump which does not run continuously in the whole year consumes more than 2 million kwh of electricity every year. Therefore, the correct use and maintenance of the desulfurization circulating pump is a foundation to ensure the normal operation of the enterprise.
The surface pits and roughness of impeller and pump shell increase the flow resistance.
A large number of vortices will be generated in the blade gap, resulting in the decrease of flow rate and energy consumption.
Impeller and pump shell wear, resulting in the increase of pump ring clearance, pump damage.
These reasons will increase energy consumption. Take 500kW slurry desulfurization pump as an example. Each pump consumes about 170000 kwh more electricity every year. Also replace the impeller. For impeller with diameter of 600mm, Hello, the cost of vulnerable parts such as side plate is about 200000-620000 yuan. Maintenance costs are very high. Therefore, improve the efficiency of desulfurization circulating slurry pump. Improving the process is of great significance to energy saving and consumption reduction.